CamdenBoss Ltd
Camden Boss Limited

CamdenBoss Ltd

CamdenBoss is a world leading UK-based manufacturer and a specialist in plastic enclosures with over 60 years of experience. They offer a wide range of standard enclosures and electromechanical components with a worldwide distribution network and options to customise the enclosure with CNC machining and digital printing to meet your connectivity and branding requirements.

You can also have your own custom plastic enclosure designed and manufactured via tool-free Plastic Fabrication or Custom Moulded with tooling for higher volumes. Through your custom journey, you also get specialist support, an end-to-end service, and we are willing to pick up your project at any point in its development.

CamdenBoss can be your partner in innovation with an emphasise on excellent customer support and high-quality products and services, all under one roof in the United Kingdom.


Enclosure Customisation Service

Enclosure Customisation Service

Transform our “Off The Shelf” Enclosures into Unique products with CamdenBoss Customisation Service We understand that off-the-shelf enclosures don’t always meet the demands of your specific application. That’s where our

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IoT Network Sensor Enclosure

IoT Network Sensor Enclosure

CamdenBoss’ versatile IoT and sensor enclosures section is made up of the 1500 Series Universal Smart Enclosure and the Room Sensor Enclosure. Both electronic housings provide an abundance of features

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Room Sensor Enclosure

Room Sensor Enclosure

The Room Sensor enclosure series is designed and manufactured for wall mounting applications such as air detectors, social distance monitoring, smart thermostats, sensor monitoring, lighting control systems or PIR sensors

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DIN Rail Terminal Enclosures

DIN Rail Terminal Enclosures

CamdenBoss manufacture and stock a large inventory of DIN Rail enclosures, suited solely for mounting onto industry standard DIN Rail. Their CNMB DIN Rail modular enclosures are the market leading

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