Breathaplasta Thermal

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Breathaplasta THERMAL is a low density plaster designed for rapid build-up on the internal face of solid walls.
A single 35mm pass can halve the rate at which heat is lost through a solid wall. Thermal can be applied in a single day by hand or spray applied by machine, building up multiple coats at 40mm thickness each.

– High-quality insulation: Thermal has a highly insulating thermal base, with a tested thermal conductivity (K-value) at 0.127W/mk.
– Market leading setting time: Thermal is the fastest setting breathable insulating plaster on the market at just 2 hours per coat.
– Healthy, non-toxic formulation: Using materials that ensure a healthy home and a healthy planet. There is no Portland cement, no gypsum and no plastics.
– Super-efficient and comfortable home: You can apply Thermal directly to any solid masonry external-facing wall. A 35mm coat can half the rate at which heat is lost through a solid wall.

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