SDS GEOlight® is widely recognised as the UK’s market leading water storage and attenuation / infiltration system. It is constructed entirely from post-consumer recycled PVC waste, which is normally destined for landfill and has been specifically engineered to form underground water storage reservoirs in stormwater management schemes. The size of these reservoirs is determined by the quantity of water to be stored, while the layout of each scheme is designed to suit the individual characteristics and limitations of each site.
Constructed in a modular format, SDS GEOlight® systems can be used under a range of surfaces including grass, porous and standard paving, tarmac and concrete. It also has high compressive strength and is available in 400 kN/m² strength as standard; higher compressive strengths are also available from 600 to 1000 kN/m².
Looking to maximise water storage capacity? SDS GEOlight®’s highly permeable honeycomb structure provides a void ratio of over 95%. Its water storage capability can be applied in many different ways:
– Water recycling: Water can be pumped to a network of standpipes for irrigation as required;
– Water pollution control: When combined with filtration devices and separators, SDS GEOlight® systems can replenish groundwater without the risk of contamination from oil, chemicals, hydrocarbons or suspended solids;
– Embankment protection: SDS GEOlight® can be used to quickly form the base of embankments that only weigh a fraction of earth embankments (slope stabilisation).

SDS Weholite Jointing Systems
The most efficient method of jointing is selected for each specific application, in order to ensure that the pipeline remains watertight, durable and effective despite the potential for poor ground