





Are we


are we ready for cop 26?
the engagement sessions

09 & 23 September & 07 October 2021 | 12 pm - 1 pm (BST)

As we approach COP26 the impacts of climate change and the ecological crisis have been well expressed in firstly, the chilling Committee on Climate Change’s 4th Risk Assessment and the even more disturbing report from the IPCC described by the UN Secretary-General as ‘Code Red for Humanity’. Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser and five other scientific advisers wrote in response, “transformation is required at every level of society: individuals, employers, institutions and international partners will need to work together to understand the trade-offs, agree on compromises and seize opportunities.”  We now have greater knowledge and understanding about the causes and solutions for our present multi-faceted predicament and we also know that we cannot hesitate, but must act with urgency and also with agency.

The solutions are in our hands – we have no excuses!

These three sessions on 09 and 23 September and 07 October leading up to COP26 will explore how we can take the opportunities available to act with the agency required.

Curated by

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webinar series Chair

Robin Nicholson, CBE

Convenor of the Edge and Fellow, Cullinan Studio

Robin uses his long experience as an architect who loves rethinking the way we use buildings, to work with the practice and others to transform our industry; into one where the buildings and places we make have ‘long life, loose fit and low energy’ for the benefit of the users, the clients and the wider world.

Robin acts as convenor of the Edge Thinktank and chairs the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel to help steer thinking towards these goals. He has been an Honorary Professor at Nottingham University since 2013.

Robin Nicholson

Convenor of the Edge

session 1: 09 September 2021

Engaging better with politics and economics for rapid change

09 September 2021 | 12 pm - 1 pm (BST)

A recent report from the Pew Research Center carried out in the US, UK, France and Germany indicated significant support for systemic political and economic change.

In 2019 the Climate Change Act was amended to deliver 100% net-zero by 2050. Since then, the Climate and Ecology Emergency Bill has been introduced to Parliament, but it needs to get a debate in the House of Commons to make further progress. Are we declaring one thing and doing another? There has been much talk about the need to do things differently. Concerns have long been expressed about the unsustainable impact of economic ‘growth’ and the ‘degrowth’ movement is gaining support. More than 200 top UK firms and investors called on the government to make a Covid-19 recovery prioritise the environment. How do we get joined-up working across government? The Dasgupta Review has called on the Treasury to look beyond GDP – time to effectively factor natural capital and wellbeing into our national accounting? So, a time to rethink how we can all engage to deliver the transformational political-economic changes needed for a better future for all?

This discussion is facilitated by Baroness Parminter.

Baroness Parminter

Chair of the Lords Select Committee on Environment and Climate Change

Maria Smith

Director of Sustainability and Physics, Buro Happold and RIBA Councillor

Simon Foxell

The Edge and the Architect’s Practice

Charles Secrett

Campaigner and Advisor, The Climate and Ecological Emergency Alliance

Dr Katherine Trebeck

Co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and co-founder of WEAll Scotland

session 2: 23 September 2021

Engaging to protect and enhance the natural environment now

23 September 2021 | 12 pm - 1 pm (BST)

There is more than sufficient evidence about the impact of climate change and the decline in biodiversity. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. We are misusing our natural resources with the intensification of agriculture, pollution of our rivers, serious decline in all species and most critically our pollinators. The Committee on Climate Change Third Climate Risk Assessment published in June 2021 made it very clear that while mitigation is needed to reduce further emissions, we also need adaptation to handle the greenhouse gases already ‘baked in’ to the atmosphere. But adaptation and mitigation have not been successfully integrated to date across government policy.  It is clear that we will need standards and regulations to achieve the degree of change needed. What else should we do?

Time to rethink how we can all engage on these critical environmental issues?

This discussion facilitated by Julie Hill will explore these issues.

Julie Hill, MBE

Chair, Institution on Environmental Sciences

Jane Findlay

President, Landscape Institute and Director of Fira

Sue James

The Edge and Trees and Design Action Group

Kathryn Brown

Head of Adaptation, Committee on Climate Change

Matt Browne

Advocacy Lead, Wildlife and Countryside Link

session 3: 07 October 2021

Engaging with climate change – you are already the answer

07 October 2021 | 12 pm - 1.15 pm (BST)

In a recent article, Tim Harford commented that the climate crisis would not be solved without adopting policies and norms that change the behaviour of businesses, local governments and individuals. In Humankind: A Hopeful History Rutger Bergman’s proposition is that human beings are mostly decent and research has shown that about 70% of people in the UK support action on climate change. But what actions? What changes? To what extent will be we change our values to achieve the necessary transformation needed? How should we present the urgency of our situation to inspire action with the agency needed? Time to rethink how we take on our individual and professional responsibilities engaging with climate change?

This discussion facilitated by Lucy Shea will explore these issues.

Lucy Shea

Group CEO

Simon Allford

President, RIBA
Executive Director Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Michelle Hemmingfield

Senior Project Manager – Development and Networks
Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK)

Peter Newell

Professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex and co-founder and research director of the Rapid Transition Alliance

Alice Bell

Director of Communications

Julie Godefroy

The Edge
Julie Godefroy Sustainability

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