Innovation Partner Presentations – SDS, Cintoo Cloud, MyGlobalHome

This session will see product and innovation presentations from Innovation Partners, who you can also visit on the Innovation Trail.

13.45-14.00 Smart rainwater management
Rainwater sits at the nexus of flood and drought.
Smart rainwater management means you can save water and solve your surface water flooding issues with one affordable, decentralised and scalable solution. Controlled with an algorithm which can be programmed to prioritise a range of water-related issues, our equipment can facilitate rainwater reuse, manage site discharge to protect riverine environments and support and integrate with natural sustainable drainage features to help deliver biodiversity.
Our aim is to treat rainwater as a resource not a problem; we want to move from short term tactical solutions to truly smart integrated water management.
Presenter: Lorna Devenish, Market Development Manager – New Technology Services, SDS

14.05-14.20 Tagging objects in the point cloud and linking them to your digital twin
For Industry 4.0, Cintoo presents object tagging features designed for asset management.
All objects in any environment including MEP can upload and tag their laser scans within their data stored in Cintoo Cloud. Learn how objects are automatically detected using AI, manually tagged, or imported from a CAD/BIM model tag list.
Once tagged, objects are searchable and can be linked to real-time data, IoT sensor information or video streams in a digital twin.
For planning, inspection and quality workflows, the laser scan data enables high precision review of the built condition of the object to reduce errors and find faults.
Presenter: Simon Shaw, Industry 4.0 Strategic Account Manager – EMEA/APAC, Cintoo Cloud

14.25-14.40 AI Powered Green Buildings
MyGlobalHome are pioneering the world’s first AI Powered Green Building Platform.
Never has there been a more pressing time for such technology. In the face of soaring energy costs, economic uncertainty and the felt effects of climate change, a platform that enables buildings to reduce their own energy consumption and optimise internal environment empowering healthy, comfortable, and secure occupation is essential.
MyGlobalHome firmly believe that the insights derived from their network of Intelligent Buildings could help to make net-zero in the built environment a realistic possibility. Their platform uses AI to identify optimum building performance metrics. It has the reach to join key industry stakeholders; investors, developers, suppliers and service providers to design, construct and maintain the most sustainable and self-sufficient property for any given location.
This talk will dive into the deliverable benefits of this approach and showcase a simplified delivery methodology that makes it accessible to everyone.
Presenter: Jonathon Scott, MyGlobalHome

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