Innovation Partner Presentations – MCB/MODS, Smart Architectural Aluminium, Aico

This session will see product and innovation presentations from Innovation Partners, who you can also visit on the Innovation Trail.

15.15-15.30 Digitising production to make it easier to integrate re-use
MCB Atelier is a Brussels-based company active in wood processing it is also a local ecosystem that allows to push and promote – through a committed approach – the recycling, reuse and circularity on an industrial scale. Today, the company has a workshop equipped with 2 CNC machines, as well as 3 other digital machines allowing an optimal digital exploitation of wood and the realization of very original projects. One of MCB atelier’s flagship projects is MODS, innovative, durable and cost-effective wooden modules. Easy to assemble to create any imaginable shape and volume.
Presenter: Julien De Visscher, CEO, MCB / MODS

15.35-15.50 Improving aesthetics and efficiency through innovation
Smart is launching a number of exciting new products at Futurebuild, as well as unveiling evolutions to many of its existing ranges. From innovative new construction methods that allow the glass area to be increased on patio doors, to dramatically improving the thermal efficiency of established systems, this pitch will explain how the company’s design team considers a wide range of factors in developing new products. Only when every aspect of aesthetics, energy efficiency, performance, manufacture and maintenance have been assessed and addressed, will the company bring a new product to market, confident that it will deliver clear and quantifiable benefits to customers.
Presenter: Anthony Murray, Technical Services Manager, Smart Architectural Aluminium

16.00-16.15 Structural v Environmental. The Footprint of Mould
Damp and mould, and their associated health impacts, is a challenge all landlords face regardless of the age of their housing stock. Aico HomeLINK has developed an industry-leading damp and mould insight, using advanced data analysis to pinpoint the causes of damp and mould. For the first time, landlords can not only determine the level of risk of damp and mould developing for a given property but also whether that risk is related to structural conditions or to the environment that the home is being subjected to.
Presenter: Adam Taylor-Drake, Head of IoT, Aico|HomeLINK

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