04-06 March 2025
ExCeL, London

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Reduce climate impact before design starts
Oneclick LCA

Reduce climate impact before design starts

Carbon Designer 3D enables climate impact reduction before design starts.


Carbon assessments are an essential part of today’s construction projects, and the earlier they are performed, the bigger the carbon and cost savings. Carbon Designer 3D, launched this week by One Click LCA, makes it possible to calculate and reduce carbon as early as briefing and strategy phases.

Carbon Designer 3D can quickly calculate a building’s carbon footprint based only on size and type of building. From there it is possible to visualize and compare the carbon performance of design alternatives and identify hotspots and reductions. This helps the right decisions to be made at the critical early project stages when opportunities to reduce impact are greatest.

Carbon Designer 3D does not require expert knowledge of life-cycle assessment (LCA) to assess and reduce carbon emissions. It uses powerful 3D visualisations to reveal carbon hotspots, making it easier to share findings with colleagues and clients to support buy-in.

The tool is compatible with a broad range of international methodologies, including the Level(s) method for the EU Taxonomy, LEED, BREEAM, and a host of embodied carbon regulations, such as France’s RE2020, the London Plan, and Sweden’s Klimatdeklaration.

Panu Pasanen, CEO of One Click LCA Ltd, said,
“When we asked industry experts about the barriers to decarbonising construction, three quarters reported a lack of LCA skills. With Carbon Designer 3D, non-experts can make a significant difference by optimising embodied carbon at the earliest project stages for maximum carbon reductions.

Early phase carbon capability helps designers to get more work. Our data shows that companies with the precursor Carbon Designer tool worked on 75% more projects. With the new capabilities to create and evaluate designs faster and more flexibly, we are confident Carbon Designer 3D will increase our users’ competitiveness even further”.

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