Pulse – Air Permeability Measurement System

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Pulse is a portable compressed air based system which is used to measure the air leakage of a building or enclosure at a near ambient pressure level (4Pa).

By measuring at a lower pressure, the system provides an air change rate measurement that is representative of normal inhabited conditions, helping to improve understanding of energy performance and true building ventilation needs.

The full Pulse system comprises of an air receiver and nozzle unit, an air compressor and a touch screen control module.

Quick & simple to operate – Setup, test and pack down in as little as 10 minutes. The Pulse unit is simply placed into the centre of a building and can be operated using single button operation.

Practical – Pulse is a self-contained device, able to test the whole building envelope or enclosure, including all doorways. It can also be used to test individual rooms.

Low pressure – The test process does not overly stress the building fabric during testing and does not force leakage paths which would not otherwise be there under normal conditions.

Low disruption – Occupants or trades people may remain in the building for the duration of testing. The test does not penetrate the envelope and will not change the temperature of the building.

Accurate and repeatable – Pulse provides highly repeatable results at low pressures whilst the system also minimises the impact of changes in background pressure due to wind.

Flexible modular system – Multiple standard Pulse air receivers can be linked together to test larger buildings, delivering a precise and uniform pressure distribution.

-PAS 2035 Approved
-BRE Global ETV Verified
-New build Part L approved

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